Our Values
How 717 Church lives out the gospel
As part of the Church and the body of Christ, our mission and vision are all the same. Our values mark us as a local body of believers and set a standard that we want to hold ourselves to. We are values-driven because we believe this is how Christ has called us to live in our sphere of influence. We believe that our values are what will mark us, and this is what we’re chasing after….
We are called to vertical worship: worshiping Jesus with every part of our lives and not putting anything else on the throne of our hearts.
— Deuteronomy 6; Matthew 22:35-40
We are called to live horizontally (because of how we worship vertically): when our hearts are worshiping the King, we’re able to live how God’s Word intends us to.
— 2 Timothy 3:16-17; 1 John 2:27
Nothing in my life is off-limits for Him to use for His glory. Living differently is where evangelism starts.
— Matthew 5
Living in humility, repentance and love—serving each person we come in contact with. Through the Spirit’s leading and through discipleship, we grow to be more like Jesus.
— Philippians 3:17
Mission + Vision
As followers of Jesus, our mission is found in Matthew 28 (the Great Commission—to go and make disciples) and Mark 12:30-31 (to love God and love others).
For 717 Church specifically, our mission is to be a community of people that seeks to live out what God’s Word calls us to daily and our vision is to see lives and communities changed by Jesus as we live in those places like He would.
For 717 Church specifically, our mission is to be a community of people that seeks to live out what God’s Word calls us to daily and our vision is to see lives and communities changed by Jesus as we live in those places like He would.